Cards & Prints

Karl's Communion

Card to Karl from his mother Katarina Kristina Card to Karl from his mother Katarina Kristina  Photo Karl

A carte postale to Karl from his mother at his Communion,Till Minne af Konfirmationen. The photo of Karl, holding a book, is probably from his communion.

Funeral Announcement of Karl's Father Olof Nicklas

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Karl's father passed away in the hospital on 12 November 1916, nine months after he married Wiktoria. The funeral is set for 18 November 1916. This particular funeral announcement letter is addressed to Karl and Wiktoria.

With Sympathy Card after Karl's Death - Minnesblad

Minnesblad Minnesblad Minnesblad Minnesblad Minnesblad Minnesblad

Karl and Wiktoria's neighbors send a sympathy card in the size of a poster to Wiktoria after Karl, infected with the Spanish Flue suddenly dies in 1918.

The Spanish Flu

Around 1918, over 50 million people, maybe even twice that, died all over the world in the 1918 Influenza Pandemics also called the Spanish Flu.

Family Photos

Letters & Documents